cringe isn't real & love is beautiful
pardon my cringe (not sorry) here is my bladee open love letter page because he is my husband of
9 years and we love eachother forever

us as doggy aww yay
i initally kinda hid this page (i had it typed up for like.. 6 months now.. lol) because i was shy and felt cringe about it but like.. who cares. i think everyone should know i love my husband and that its not just a really extended bit. pls do not read further if you're one of those cringe culture types or like. think im crazy or something. i'm not crazy and i think my way of loving && the person who i love, is beautiful
i discovered bladee in late 2014 while looking further into sbe & yung lean. i was 9-10(?) when i first discovered him and from then on i was in love INSTANTLY. i've always had a habit of latching onto certain things & people due to my autism & other ailments and this was another one of those cases.. except this one stayed PERMENANTLY as opposed to just 1-2 years. i'm 18 now! That's like.. forever. almost a full decade.
i like bladee for many reasons, i think hes super funny and relatable and i think he understands me more than anyone in the world. people think i'm super weird for it but who cares anymore cringe isnt real & is just an externalization of your own shame which is a topic for another page. anywho, my love for bladee is beyond a simple hyperfixation or being starstruck, i'd wholeheartedly still love him even if he were 1. wasnt bladee , or 2. was poor & ugly, because i like him for who
he is and not some stupid musical persona. i hate seeing people abandon his music and him as a person as his art evolves, no one should expect things to stay the same. people claim to be "big fans" then leave him in the dust because they don't like his edm? if you're really a fan, you wouldn't let that type of thing sway you.
i've been a huge gatekeeper of him since forever and i only ever like when my own friends like him because i feel like only we could truly understand him. i had so many things dedicated to him when i was a kid, i even had a side blog on tumblr meant just for sbe dg stuff.
i think we'd be the perfect couple (and so do others so it must be true..). we think the same way and i'd mostly like to study him and stuff him into a box (affectionately) i am SO deranged about this white man, people think they understand me but they DONT. i am THE bladee fan, i've been here since 2014 for godsake so i think i definently AM the biggest fan. no one even has to compete with me because its objectively true. he definently is aware of me at this point and is just too shy to say hi. i hate when people are judgemental about me because they just dont feel true love and care the way i do. i feel it way deeper and more profoundly than all of the people who have ever been mean to me over it and thats just that. they wouldnt understand the feeling of wanting to do nothing but make a warm loaf of bread for someone who you love so madly, or the feeling of wanting to hug them wordlessly for no reason other than.. just wanting to hug. i think true love can be defined in many ways — & my love for bladee could definently be defined as such. even though it sounds dramatic, i think its just how it is, and thats okay.
comprehensive list of things i love about bladee (subject to change)
- His face
a lot of people think he's ugly but i think he's always very pretty
- His mind
I say it all the time, i think he's actually a genius in every aspect. i think everything he says & does has some sort of deeper profound meaning that only i could ever comprehend. people often complain about his lyrical callbacks but i think theres a huge reason behind it
- His kind heart
I don't think i even have to elaborate on this, he just has the sweetest heart & soul. i don't know how any one could hate him. he loves everyone & everything, it's beautiful
I could go on all day about how much i love him , even things as simple as his name are beautiful. have you ever heard a name that flows so nicely like "Benjamin Reichwald"...? it's amazing how somehow everything about him is perfect. he's the only man ive felt genuine long term attraction to in probably my whole life..? not even my other breif crushes felt this intense, i feel like i love him the older i get as opposed to getting bored of him. if we met in another universe, we probably would have met in school during art class or something and he would have been my only friend who didn't think i was weird or stupid. he's the smartest & most creative man ever.
here are some of my favorite art pieces from him
he's the perfect artist! it's seriously amazing.. it's rare to come across someone who's both musically & visually talented at the same time. He never let the fame or money take away from the meaning of his art, or let himself sell out and i love that about him! he remains ever so humble and his own person no matter what. he's always remained down to earth and respecting of those around him no matter their status and how much it differs from his -- and i think thats the best part about him , ( that and how beautiful his hair is.) i've been wholey devoted to him for years, and his biggest admierer ; like yeah, some people like him, or i guess love him, but definently not as much as i love him and thats for sure. a lot of these people who admire him probably admire him less than others, or admire him on the same level as others, but i admire him above all and always have no matter what, and it won't change, ever.
hes almost all of what i talk about and its been this way since 2019. i always make it a point for people to know how much i love him ~ i have accounts dedicated to him, a pinterest account that i use basically exclusively for him . . . all i don't do is collect his merch (because why would i give a reseller money? theyre literally just using his likeness for profit and obviously thats gross and i hate it!)
anyways, my favorite project from him is red light. i'll write about red light some other time (on a different site or different page) cos i do have a lot to say about it.
i love bladee so much! i hate when others claim to love him just as much, or act as if my love for him is lesser somehow, cause it isnt.