picture this.. it's 2014 (nearing 2015), you're a soundcloud fiend and heavily traumatized. & you're on youtube watching commentary (& meme videos.. because of course.). it's late at night and you're supposed to be asleep but you'd rather scroll on tumblr and other websites not appropriate for your age. ok, now picture this, finding a music video in the reccomended section, you've never been the type to watch music videos but you're intrigued! you click it and it sounds like absolute ass, why would you keep listening to it..? well, because you're curious, thats why. you delve deeper into the artist & find more music & even their friends. this was my first introduction to sad boys (sbe)
now, like most lean fans, i found him through ginseng strip 2002, i'm going to be honest, until recently i really hated this song but it was really addicting to listen to & watch due to the trippy, vaporwave visuals, something i was heavily into back then. despite being only 10 years old, i essentially lived on soundcloud & random youtube videos that i'd find via either my friends or just delving into it on my own. in the same year, 2014, i began looking more into yung lean and found bladee. when i found bladee, only gluee had been released. as i've said before, i was heavily into soundcloud rap, specifically heavily amateur off-beat soundcloud rap. i sorta lurked on bladees pages given i was a shy nerd at the time who preferred to admire my favorite artists from afar where they couldnt see me. of course now, i'm heavily open about my love for dg but back then i truly.. wasnt, nor was i able to. i ran a tumblr blog consisting of the typical 2014 adidas & pastel goth aestethic, but i didnt talk to anyone. the most personality i showed on there were random moodboards sometimes. anyways, you may be asking "what the heck is a drain gang".. good question! i'm about to get heavily autistic so stay tuned.
what is drain gang?
drain gang.. where do i begin. i think i should start off by talking about their original respective groups, GTBSG & SBE. sbe consists of yung lean, yung gud, and yung sherman. (wow three yungs in a row, thats a bingo!) & gtbsg consists of rapper bladee, producer & singer ecco2k, producer whitearmor & producer & rapper thaiboy digital (also known as dj billybool). to this day, sbe & gtbsg are frequently referenced in songs, meaning its still a thing, but they're known mostly as just "drain gang" collectively.
the memeification of drain gang (& parts of the fanbase that annoy me)
drain gang began being memed as far as i remember, back in 2019, post ecco2k releasing e. this is arguably not a problem but it annoys me because many people tend to reduce them down to purely a meme to this day instead of.. actual, serious artists with meaning to their music and a story. many people listen to them purely for validation on the internet which is also bothersome, mostly because i hate when people arent true to themselves.
another thing is.. many drainers nowadays make it their mission to hate on the boys newest works as much as possible, specifically bladee. mind you, bladee made gluee & eversince around 10 years ago, its gotten to the point of where if he releases ANYTHING remotely upbeat, self proclaimed oldgens will hop on his dick about it because nothing makes these people happy. theres also the incredibly forced thaiboy hate & the fetishization of ecco whilst disregarding his talent & the work hes done for the group. i could go on and on about this for hours.
my favorite member
i lovre BLADEE hes such a guy. i love him so much. hes so kind and loving and amazing. and so cute. and i will always love him so much. i wish i could unhinge my jaw and bite his head. look at him.

isnt he literally just a creature. how cute is that. i love bladee. one day i will marry him.
my favorite dg project

trash island! oh how i love trash island! potentially my favorit project in all of music history, it smells and tastes like nostalgia, autumn of 2019, its release, was such a beautiful time. i remember it as clear as glass, listening to it for the first time on soundcloud unnanounced as i drove home from the grocery store. it was foggy outside & i was a bit sad that day, i was always so sad, but it made me feel so much better. from the mellow tunes from "victim" to the upbeat yet upset "you lose", this project is pure perfection! i listen to it atleast once every single day, i feel like trash island is the epitome of musical genius. acid rain is very underrated but so beautiful & never fails to cut deep within my soul, only to heal it once more. nothing could ever describe the beauty of ecco2k's high pitched vocals harmonizing with bladee, thaiboy & lean's deeper vocals.