My core belief regarding the internet is freedom for all regardless of who you are, what you look like, your status, etc etc. My intention with warmpudding is to provide a space where people could take a peak into the (unfiltered) mind of an average internet user,in this case, the average 18 year old girl on the internet. Social media specifically, makes this very difficult. in an era of time where you are constantly being watched and examined for any minor mistake, i feel as if its important to have a personal space to experiment, speak, be a mess, etc etc. without anyone being able to comment on it unless they go out of their way too. I beleive that cringe isn't real & is instead an externalization of ones own shame; ie. why many "anti furries" end up becoming furries, or why many people who hate on how some queers express themselves, end up expressing themselves in similar or the same ways later down the line.
the idea that you should filter yourself to be accepted is some BULLSHIT, complete and utter bullshit. as those who truly love you would accept you as you come.

the internet is vast, and scary, and big -- larger than one could ever imagine. theres many different types of people , and not people (artificial intellegence) that call the internet home! it could be hard to accept that some people are different from you, and sometimes you may not want to see certain things which is another reason why i believe having your own website is very important in the long run. when you have your own website, the sky is quite literally the limit, and your terminal is your sketchbook. you could make a shrine, or a diary, or hell, just a collage.

the way i currently use social media is to 1. interact with friends & 2. as a digital scrapbook , composed of images i both take myself & images i find in the deep crevices of tumblr + flickr, unseen by all. social media, when not used as a medium to make you happy, but for a gateway to fame, is the stealer of all joy, point dot blank, manufacutring your image leads to self hatred and more issues. i can admit; i do put on a persona for social media, but its to protect myself due to having stalkers in the past who used real information i shared for bad intention, nowadays, i only ever share actual important information with three people. an internet persona is okay ONLY if you know how to distinguish yourself from your real self and your internet alter ego.

by showing my pure, unfiltered self on this website, it serves to humanize the average social media user. by showing everyone who i truly am inside to some extent, it humanizes me, and i become less like 0s and 1s on a screen. by everyone else making a website, it humanizes them. AI couldnt make a unique website, as it can only do what its fed by humans. AI couldnt have multiple highly specific interests to infodump about in a non formal manner. in the end, once you realize that the people on the other end of the screen are human, just like you, you become kinder & more open minded ; less hateful & likely to cause harm.